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Your search returned 47 results.

Law of frustration of contract by Sujan, M. A., Publication: . xix, 244 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 25 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (2), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Johor Bahru (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuantan (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Seremban (1),

Land options by Barnsley, D. G., Publication: . xlix, 301 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 24 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Law and the conditions of freedom in the nineteenth-century United States by Hurst, James Willard, Publication: . ix, 139 pages : , Includes index 22 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Terminating the services of the employee minimizing the pain and the strain by Maimunah Aminuddin Publication: Selangor Penerbit Fajar Bakti 2006 Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka (1),

Malaysian employment law practices by Maimunah Aminuddin, Publication: . xx, 378 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 25 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Problems in construction claims by Powell-Smith, Vincent, Publication: . xii, 147 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 24 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

The law of specific relief in India and Pakistan A commentary on specific relief act, 1877, (Act I of 1877), with uptodate rules, notifications and order and several useful appendices by Om Publication: Delhi Metropolitan Book 1955 . 2v., (various paging) , DALAM PROSES EDIT 25cm Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Breach of contract by Carter J. W. Publication: . liv, 535 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 25 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (2),

Contract law by Stone, Richard, Publication: . xvi, 298 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 22 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Law of employment by Selwyn, Norman M., Publication: . xlix, 559 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 22 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Law of employment by Selwyn, Norman M., Publication: . lxviii, 767 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 22 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Law of employment by Selwyn, Norman, Publication: . lxxxiv, 706 pages : , Includes index and table of cases 25 cm Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Remedi-remedi bagi kemungkiran kontrak di Malaysia by Cheong May Fong Publication: Kuala Lumpur Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2004 . x, 190p,; 11cm Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka (1),

Contract law by Parwani, Naina Publication: Singapore Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005 . viii,200p,; 11cm Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka (1),

The effect of war on contracts by Webber, George J. Publication: London The Solicitor's Law Stationery Society 1946 . xx, 416p. , Includes tables and index 22.5cm Date: 1946 Availability: No items available:

A digest of English civil law by Jenks, Edward Publication: London Butterworth & Co. 1906 . xxii, (various paging) , Book II, Part I - Law of Contract (General) | Includes index and table of cases 26cm Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1),

Civil remedies in Malaysia by Cheong May Fong Publication: Kuala Lumpur Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2007 . xivii,414p,; 25cm Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: Perpustakaan Istana Kehakiman (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu (1), Perpustakaan Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka (2),