Halsbury's Laws of India
Published by : Lexis Nexis Butterworths (New Delhi) Physical details: Various paging 24cm ISBN:8187162406.This record has many physical items (94). Click here to view them all.
Reprint 2010 (Vol. 1), 1999 (Vol. 2), Reprint 2010 (Vol. 3), 2001 (Vol. 4), Reprint 2010 (Vol. 5(1)), Reprint 2009 (Vol. 5(2)), 2007 Reissue (Vol. 6),Reprint 2010 (Vol. 7), 2006 Reissue (Vol. 8),2001 (Vol. 9), 2001 (Vol. 10), 2002 (Vol. 11), 2009 (Vol
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